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Nordic Committee for Human Rights - NCHR

For the protection of Family Rights in the Nordic countries

Pres. Ruby Harrold-Claesson, Lawyer, Box 8077, S-424 12 OLOFSTORP, Sweden.

Tel. (+) 46 - 31 - 70 20 385, Fax (+) 46 - 31 - 70 25 242, Org.no 855102-0053

Postgiro 444 88 81 -5

Web-address: https://www.nkmr.org


Embassy of Nigeria

His Excellency the Ambassador

Tyrg. 8

Box 628

101 32 Stockholm

March 12, 2002.

Concerns: Appeal for Mercy

Your Excellency.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, the undersigned Ruby Harrold-Claesson, attorney-at-law in Gothenburg, Sweden, president of the Nordic Committee for Human Rights - NCHR - For the protection of Family Rights in the Nordic countries, have been approached concerning the fate of Safya Husseini Tungar-Tudu, a young mother of an "illegitimate" child, who according to the information I have received, is facing a death sentence because she had a child out of wedlock.

This causes great concern for the members of the steering committee of the NCHR.

I would like to inform you that the world famous writer of children's books, Mrs Astrid Lindgren, also gave birth to a son out of wedlock. Had she been put to death for the "crime" of giving birth to an illegitimate child, the world would be a poorer one for us and all the children of the world.

On behalf of the NCHR, I am therefore writing to you to request you to petition the President of the Republic of Nigeria to grant pardon and save the life of Safya Husseini Tungar-Tudu.

Save the mother's life - for the sake of the child and for the sake of your country. Thanking you in advance.

Very truly yours

Ruby Harrold-Claesson


President of the NCHR