The Best Interests of Children: Have they been well served in Europe?
Venue: European Parliament, Brussels, June 2, 2015
The Roundtable is divided into two blocks. The first block will be between 11.00-12.00 and will focus on the child protection systems across Europe, the way they take children and the measures that should be developed to prevent this from happening.
The second block would be then from 12.00-13.00 and it will concentrate on the topic of forced adoption and the way this issue could be addressed on the European level.
The seminar and Q&A session that will be included in each block will be hosted by MEP Tomas Zdechovský and he will also sum up the outcomes of the seminar in the last 10 minutes (12.50-13.00).
Læs mere: Roundtable: European Parliament
Write comment (0 Comments)Tioårsminnet av Felicia Petterssons död
Av Ruby Harrold-Claesson, jur. kand
Göteborg, 2015-05-17
Felicia Pettersson, 1990 07 19 - 2005 05 17
Vila i Frid
Den 24 mars 2005 blev Felicia Pettersson, då 14 år 10 månader, tvångsomhändertagen och placerad i Kastellet i Asige, ett s k behandlingshem i Halland.
55 dagar senare "hittade" man Felicias döda kropp hängande i ett träd ca ett hundra meter från behandlingshemmet.
Kastellet fick betalt för 116 dygn för Felicias placering, totalt 293 600 kronor. 63 av dygnen var efter hennes död.
Länsstyrelsen i Halland har utrett ärendet. De riktade i kritik mot vårdbolaget för att de inte informerat och samarbetat bättre med Felicias familj.
I januari 2006 lades behandlingshemmet Kastellet ned.
Læs mere: Tioårsminnet av Felicia Petterssons död
Write comment (0 Comments)The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) and Jamaica Cause invite you to our OPEN RALLY, on International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2014, 6 PM., at Emancipation Park, Kingston, Jamaica
Theme: Protecting the true rights of children: Lessons from the Swedish experience"
International Guest speaker, Ruby Harrold-Claesson, Lawyer, Gothenburg, Sweden and president of the Nordic Committee for Human Rights - NCHR/NKMR
PARK PROGRAMME Human Rights Day, December 10, 2014
International Human Rights Conference 2014, December 6, 2014, at the Jamaica Conference Centre, Kingston, Jamaica
The Conference is organised by the JCHS, the Lawyers Christian Fellowship, Jamaica and Jamaica CAUSE
The Theme of the Conference:
‘International Law, Development and the Family: The Family as a Strategy for Development’
International Human Rights Conference 2014 - Programme
This international conference that took place in Prague on October 3, 2014, is the remarkable effort of JUDr Marica Pirosikova, Agent of the Government of the Slovak Republic before the European Court of Human Rights, who was instrumental in securing the release of the Boor brothers back to Slovakia from fosterhome and forced adoption in England. JUDr Marica Pirosikova's initiative is based inter alia on her personal experiences of the British system and the December 2012 NKMR Report to the Council of Europe.
Organiser: Mr. Erik Bihary, Agent and Conference Coordinator, European Institute of Law and Forensic Engineering.
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Konferensen syftar till att dela erfarenheter, insikter och förväntningar om skydd för barnets rättigheter och statligt stöd för familjen i de nordiska länderna, Danmark, Storbritannien, Australien och Litauen.
Konferens ordförande - Vytautas Budnikas, ledare för Litauiska Organisationen för Mänskliga Rättigheter.
Vilnius, Litauen, februari 20, 2014
Invitation for the International Conference in Lithuania
Læs mere: INTERNATIONELL KONFERENS OM BARNSKYDD. Ska staten ta över föräldrarollen?
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