
Valitse kieli





Opening. The President of the NCHR/NKMR, Ruby Harrold-Claesson, Sweden, welcomes the Speakers, Laureates and participants.

Ruby Harrold-Claesson

Viewing of Jerzy Donus' film: For My Children.
The film has won Awards at three consecutive international film festivals. Members of the NCHR, LL.M, former medical practitioner, Siv Westerberg, lawyer who has won many cases against Sweden in the European Court, our v. president LL.M Jenny Beltrán, our president, LL.M Ruby Harrold-Claesson and PhD, Dipl. psychologist, Lena Hellblom Sjögren, who has lectured at several of the NCHR's Symposiums, are interviewed in the film.
The film is about something that has been very topical since 1988 when LL.M Siv Westerberg won the case 'Olsson v. Sweden' in the European Court of Human Rights. But despite multiple convictions in the European Court, the legal atrocity or legal child abduction, i. e. the law with special provisions for the care of the young still exists.


Presentation of Books
Åsa Harryson presents her recently published book, "The battle for Sweden."

Jan Engberg-Popp presents his recently published book, "The Book of Popp and his mother Alice"
(The books are also available to buy on site during the symposium)


Presentation of the NCHR/NKMR's Diploma of Honour, posthumously, to the lawyer Lennart Hane, the former auditor of the NCHR, for his longstanding commitment to the protection of human rights and his tireless struggle for the protection of children and their families' human rights in Sweden and the Nordic countries. (See presentation)

Presentation of the NCHR/NKMR's Diploma of Honour, posthumously, to the investigative journalist, Mr Hannes Råstam, for his life's work to defend right and justice by revealing the social services' and the police and prosecuting authorities' offenses against individuals and groups, as well as corruption among lawyers and other cadres, for example in Case Ulf, as well as the documentaries about the so-called treatment center 'The Oasis' in Aneby in Mission review (Uppdrag granskning). (See presentation)

Presentation of the NCHR/NKMR's Diploma of Honour to the investigative journalist Jur Dr Maciej Zaremba, for among other exploits, he revealed the gross abuses that the civil servants at social services in Gottsunda municipality committed against Daniel Sigström and his mother, Marianne Sigström, in the highly acclaimed article "Why did Daniel, 14 years old, die?" (See presentation)

Presentation of the NCHR/NKMR's Diploma of Honour to PhD., licensed psychologist, Mrs Lena Hellblom Sjögren, for her longstanding commitment to the protection of human rights and her tireless struggle for the protection of children and their families' human rights in Sweden, the Nordic countries and internationally. (See presentation)

 Ruby Harrold-Claesson Jenny Beltrán




Almamo Jarju. "The social authorities in Upplands Väsby and the administrative court in Uppsala, oppression, humiliation and persecution of a foreign family".

 Jenny Beltrán

Tommy Larsson. "Is the Swedish state's compensation adequate compensation for a stolen childhood?"

 Jenny Beltrán

Lena Hellblom Sjögren. "Children's human right to private and family life."

 Ruby Harrold-Claesson





Marica Pirošíková.  "Protection of children's human rights in the Council of Europe Member States". The case of the Boor brothers, Slovak Republic, and other cases with special attention to the protection offered by the home countries and the European Convention on Human Rights.

 Ruby Harrold-Claesson


 Ruby Harrold-Claesson

After each speaker there will be 5-10 mins for brief questions to the speaker and even short comments.

Please be aware that the program for the symposium may be altered for reasons beyond our control.

For those of you who have special needs such as seating or other requirements because of hearing impairment or other disabilities:

Please contact Rigmor Persson.