1. The Committee


The Committee shall be named «Nordiska Kommitén för Mänskliga Rättigheter - NKMR» (The Nordic Committee for Human Rights - NCHR)


NKMR shall be a politically and religiously independant international association.


NKMR shall be independant of any and all national authority.


  1. The Committee's mandate


The Committee shall actively seek to further the values expressed in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


The Committee shall actively seek to protect individuals and their families against infringement of their basic human rights as these are expressed in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


The Commitee shall actively seek to further the knowledge and understanding of the values behind the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and contribute to the development of these in the Nordic societies.


The Committee shall actively seek to influence the sociological and judicial development in the Nordic countries, so that these, to the greatest extent possible, conform to the values expressed in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


The Committee shall censure and sanction infringement of Human Rights committed by authorities in the Nordic countries.


  1. The Commitee's operations


The Committee shall strive to act fairly and responsibly in all its actions, but shall, even so, not be encumbered by conventions of legal or sociological nature restricting the Commitee's attempts to fulfill its mandate.


The Commitee shall structure its operations in relation to the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The Commitee shall also consider the UN Convention for the protection of the Rights of the Child, to the extent these Conventions do not represent a curtailment of the values expressed in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


The Commitee shall, in its operations, seek to influence public opinion as well as the legislative and excecutive authorities in the Nordic countries. The Committee shall be aware of the influence developments in the Nordic countries have on the international arena and shall participate in international forums to the extent this is pertinent.


The Committee may, to the extent this is deemed pertinent and appropriate, report infringements to UN body for Human Rights, UN Committee for Childrens Rights or other international authorities. The authority to decide such reporting rests solely with the NKMR's Board of Directors.


The Committee may, by itself or through others, submit cases to the national courts, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg or other international courts to the extent the Committee finds this appropriate. This authority rests soleley with the NKMR's Board.


The Committee may supply legal and humanitarian support to individuals and their families to the extent this is deemed appropriate. Such support shall be decided by the Board and must not be supplied to such an extent that it empeedes the Commitee's other operations.


  1. Organization


The Committe's operations are executed through the following bodies:


  • Congress


The Congress is the Committe's supreme authority.


The prime responsibility of the Congress is to give directions for the operations of the Board, to decide any changes to these bylaws, elect representatives for the executive committee and to reveiw the Board's activity.


Congress is made up of two Chambers, the Grand Chamber and the Executive Chamber.


The yearly congress is to be held by the end of September. The yearly congress is to take place in both chambers on two consecutive days, in the Grand Chamber on the first day and the next day in the Executive Chamber.


The Board decides time and venue for the Congress. All members of the organization shall be summoned to the Congress no later than 30 days in advance.

Any member of NKMR has a right to place motions. Motions to the Congress must be received by the Board no later than two weeks before the date of the Congress. The Motion and the Board's recommondation as well as other Congres' documents,shall be sent to the members in advance of the Congress.


Extraordinary Congress kan be convened subject to the decision of the Board or the Executive Committee. Such extraordinary Congress must also be convened if demanded by at least 20% av the membership, such demand beeing made by no less than 100 individuals. Extraordinary Congress shall be held no later than 30 days after suffient demand has been made.


The Extraordinary Congress may only decide such issues as are stated in the summons.


Any issues outside the agenda that arises during a Congress, may only be decided to be refered to the examination of the Board. Even so, an unaniomous Congress may make concrete decisions on such issues unless the issue is of such paramount importance that one must suppose that the members representation on the Congress would have been different had the members been aware of the issue beforehand.


Any member of NKMR has a right to be present, to speak and to vote in the Congress.


All votes in Congress are open.


All decisions in Congress are made with ordinary majority, unless otherwise specified in these bylaws. In case of a tie, the chairman will carry the vote.


4.1.1. Congress proceedings


The Congress opens as a Grand Chamber.


At the opening one shall;


  • ask the Congress if it wishes to elect a different chairman for the proceedings
  • elect a secretary for the proceedings
  • elect two members to sign the minutes
  • decide whether the Congress has been legally summoned
  • registration of proxies
  • information of the current membership in the Executive Chamber


Following this, Congress shall reveiw and decide;


  • the Board's yearly report
  • the financial reports
  • the auditors' report
  • non liability for the Board
  • any matters brought foreward by the members
  • Plan of action for the coming year
  • Election of auditor
  • Election of Grand Chamber representatives for the Executive Chamber


The Grand Chamber is ajourned for the day. The Executive Chamber is set for the next day. The following business is to be handled:


  • Registration of members present (Roll Call)
  • Election of Chairman
  • Question about the use of Veto
  • Election of the NKMR's Board


All members of the Congress Grand Chamber have the right to be present under the deliberationes in the Executive Chamber, but they may not speak or vote in the Executive Chamber. The Executive Chamber may, by vote with ordinary majority, grant the privilage to speak, but not vote, in the Executive Chamber.


The Executive Chamber is ajourned and the Grand Chamber is reconvened.


  • The chairman of the Executive Chamber informs the Grand Chamber of the election

of members of the Board

  • The chairman of the Executive Chamber informs the Grand Chamber of any decision to use the right of Veto
  • The Grand Chamber and the Congress is ajourned.


  • The Grand Chamber


The yearly Congress is summoned by the Board. The chairman of the Board is also chairman of the Congress unless otherwise decided by the Grand Chamber.


All members of NKMR have the right to be present in the Grand Chamber and to speak and vote during its deliberations. Voting is carried by ordinary majority. If tied the vote is carried by the Chairman. All votes are open.


The meetings of the Grand Chamber are to be understood as an ordinary, yearly convening of a civilian voluntary association with corresponding authority as such a meeting would have under Swedish law, with two, explicit exceptions;


  • it is the Executive Chamber and not the Grand Chamber that elects the NMKR Board
  • the Executive Chamber can, followed by a vote carried by ordinary majority, veto any decision made by the Grand Chamber.


When opening the Grand Chamber in yearly congress, the chairman of the Executive Chamber shall inform congress as to how many permanent members, including members of the Board and leaders of sub-committees are presently in the Executive Chamber.


The Grand Chamber of the yearly congress shall then, amongst its present members, elect the number of representatives to sit in the Executive Chamber so that the Grand Chamber's representatives in the Executive Chamber constitute no less than one third of the total number of representatives in the Executive Committee. If the divsion does not equate, the number of representatives from the Grand Chamber shall be construed in favour of the Grand Chamber.


Election of representatives for the Executive Chamber shall be the last piece of business on the Grand Chamber's first day.


The Board presents the Grand Chamber with its draft for plan of action for the coming year. The Grand Chamber decides the plan of action after vote carried by ordinary majority.


The plan of action is an advisory directive for the Board to the extent the Executive Chamber does not veto this during its immediately following session.


  • Executive Chamber


The Executive Chamber consists of up til 30 representativs.


  • Board members and sub-committee leaders in the Executive Chamber


Members of the NKMR Board are always members of the Executive Chamber as long as they are members of the Board. Leaders of sub-committees are also members of the Executive Commitee as long as they retain their position.


Total representation in the Executive Chamber by members of the Board and leaders of sub-committees may never surpass 10. If the number of representativs that should have a place in the Executive Chamber surpasses 10, the number of representatives is to be reduced to 10 by lottery. Such lottery is to take place following every ordinary yearly Congress and decides which Board members and leaders of sub-committees that are representativs in the Executive Chamber until the next yearly congress.


  • Permanent members of the Executive Chamber


The Executive Chamber elects such permanent representativs as they see fit by vote carried by ordinary majority. Such members serve for a period of four years and may be re-elected. The period of service starts at the first ordinary yearly congress following the election.


Only indivduals resident in one of the Nordic countries are eligable to be permanent members of the Executive Chamber. Such individuals should preferably have displayed a commitment to, and an understanding of, the values the NKMR shall seek to promote.


Suggestions for new permanent members may only be raised by an existing member of the Executive Chamber. The suggestion must be supported by a written motivation.


The chairman of the Executive Chamber shall see to it that a vote is held no later than 30 days persuant such suggestion.


No more than 10 permanent members can be elected to the Executive Chamber at any one time. New members may only be elected in stead of sitting members after their term of service has expired.


Permanent members of the Executive Chamber may only be expelled from the Chamber before their term has expired by a unaniumous vote from the other members of the Executive Chamber.


Any member of the Executive Chamber may propose to expel another member. Such a proposal must be acompanied by a short motivation. The member concerned shall always be allowed to refute the allegations forewarded with the proposal, but it is not to become a judicial process. The chairman of the Executive Chamber must observe that a vote is held no later than 30 days pursuant such a proposal.


The Executive Chamber may meet at any time to elect a new permanent member, but such elections may not, with effect for the ongoing Congress, be instigated during a Congress after the chairman of the Executive Chamber has informed the Grand Chamber of the Executive Chamber's membership.


  • Grand Chamber representatives in the Executive Chamber.


During the annual Congress the Grand Chamber elects the necessary number of representatives to the Executive Chamber to ensure that the representatives thus elected represent one third of the total representatives in the Executive Chamber.


These elected members take up their appointments as members of the Executive Chamber immediately and serve until the next yearly Congress.


  • The Executive Chambers authority


The Executive Chamber elects the NKMR's Board. The Executive Chamber may select an electorate sub-committee responsible for suggesting Board members for the upcoming election. Any member of NKMR may suggest candidates for the Board. Such suggestions shall be forewarded to the Executive Chamber in writing. Any member of the Executive Chamber may suggest candidates for the Board at any time.


The Executive Chamber may at any time depose a member of the Board following a vote carried by ordinary majority.


The Executive Chamber may veto any decision of the Grand Chamber on its meeting immediately following the Grand Chamber's meeting during yearly Congress. If such veto is not used during the ongoing Congress, the right to veto decisions made by this Congress is forfeited.


Veto is carried by ordinary majority.


If veto is used, the issue is automatically re-adressed by the next yearly Congress.


The Executive Chamber reveiws the Board's activity through the year. The Executive Chamber may not instruct the Board, but must convene an Extraordinary Congress if such instructions are deemed necessary.


  • The Executive Chamber's activities


The Executive Chamber's meetings during the yearly Congress is open for the Grand Chamber's members. This meeting may not be held electronically and members of the Executive Chamber must render their vote in person.


The Executive Chamber elects amongst itself its Chairman who serves until the next annual congress. If the vote is tied, the vote is carried by the chairman.


Other meetings by the Executive Chamber may be held electronically.



4.4 The Board


The Board shall consist of a chairman and a treasurer in addition to up to 5 Board members, who preferably represent each of the Nordic countries. The Board shall have 3 reserve members that replace absent Board members in a prenumbered sequence.


The Board is elected by the Executive Chamber. The Chairman is elected every year, while the other Board members serve a two year term. When the Board is chosen for the first time under these bylaws, two of the ordinary Board members are elected for one year only. Who these are is to be decided by lottery.


The Board constitutes any sub-committee it deemes appropriate and appoints the leaders of these.


Board meetings may be held electronically. At least half of the Board members must participate both in the deliberations and the vote for a quourum to exist.


If the vote is tied, the chairman carries the vote. If the chairman does not participate in the Board meeting, the Board chooses who to chair the meeting at the beginning of the meeting, this person ccarries the vote if there is a tie.


The Board leads the NKMRs operations and is the supreme authority in NKMR as long as a Congress is not in session, if such authority is not specifically reserved for the Executive Chamber.


The Board shall, through specific working decisions, delegate to any sub-committee or to the chancellery, if such excists, to operate NKMRs day to day business.


The Board has its seat at the place of residence of the chairman and is convened when the chairman or three other Board members so decide.


  • Chancellery

The Board may seek to establish a chancellery to see to the day to day operation of the Committee's activities.


Such chancellery shall be lead by a secretary general to be appointed by the Board. The chancellery should have its seat in Sweden.


  • Sub-committee for censure and sanctions


The Board establishes the sub-committee for censure and sanctions and appoints this committee's chairman.


This sub-committee shall sanction infringements of individuals Human Rights in the Nordic countries.


This sub-committee may, on behalf of NKMR, sanction individual representatives for the Nordic countries authorities when it is ascertained that an infringement of an individual's basic Human Rights has taken place.


Sanctions take place by contacting the individual representative on behalf of the NKMR, informing him of what exactly constitues the infringement, explaining how his actions constitute a violation of a specified individual's basic human rights and informing him that NKMR, as en international Human Rights organization, is aware of his transgression.


The transgressor shall, prior to such sanction, be given the opportunity to comment.


The name of the transgressor shall not be made public. Even so, information about sanctions may be forwarded to other human rights organizations.


The sub-committee shall indict any law, legal practice or administrative practice by Nordic governments which appear detrimental to human rights in the individual country.


The indictment is to be directed to the relevant local department and shall explain which practice or law the indictment refers to, how this infringes on human rights and what is necessary to remedy the situation.


Indictments are public and are to be renewed each year.


This sub-committee should have its seat in Norway.


  • Membership


NKMR is an internordic asscociation open for membership by other organizations and individuals working in coherence with the committee's mandate.


Individuals attain membership by applying for this and paying membership fees. The Board may refuse such applications with fair reason.


Organisations, private enterprises and associations attain membership by applying the Board for membership. The Board decides whether to accept such application from a legal entity and sends the applicant a written decision as well as a notice for the membership fee. Membership is valid when the fee is paid.


The Board decides freely whether such application is approved or not. No person within the authorities of the Nordic countries may normally be approved as member.


The membership fees are decided by the Congress.


Any member that, in spite of reminder, has not paid his/her membership fee by the latest May 31 the following year, is considered to have withdrawn as member.


The Board can exclude any member who counteracts the NKMR's mission or otherwise causes serious harm to NKMR or its activities. Exclusion may be appealed to the Congress. Appeal does not pre-emt an exclusion decision. Appeal to the Congress must be made in accordance with the rules for presenting motions.


  1. Management and auditor


The Board manages NKMR's funds through the treasurer.


Expenses that are especially large in relation to NKMR's financial situation must be presented for the Congress before final decision is made.


Congress elects auditor and his suppleant.


  1. Bylaws


Congress decides change of these bylaws following vote that is carried by a two thirds majority. The Executive Chamber may veto such change following a vote carried by ordinary majority.


  1. Signature


NKMR's signature is made by the chairman alone or by other Board members together.


  1. Dissolving NKMR


Decision to dissolve NKMR must be made by two consecutive Congresses to be held at minimum one year apart. The question to dissolve must be presented when the congress is convened and must be approved by both Congresses after a vote carried by a four fifths majority.


When decision to dissolve is made, any funds of the NKMR must be donated to an organisation that in mandate and activity is as similar to NKMR as possible. The Congress that makes the final decision of dissolution shall also decide which organisation is to be the recipient of the NKMR's financial resources.


Gothenburg, Sweden
September 21, 2019.

This English version is a translation. Swedish and Norwegian versions will prevail if in doubt.