The Nordic Committee for Human Rights


For the protection of Family Rights in the Nordic countries








A tribute to Nancy Schaefer


Nancy Schaefer, 1937 - 2010




On behalf of the Board and members of the NCHR, I would like to express our deepest sympathy to the children and grandchildren of Nancy Schaefer & Bruce Schaefer for the untimely loss of your beloved parents and grandparents.

These condolences on the loss of Nancy Schaefer are equally addressed to the Eagle Forum and the other organizations that she founded and presided, to the people of the State of Georgia and to the United States of America. You have lost an activist who was a staunch believer in the American Constitution, the Rule of Law and the protection of the basic Human Rights of children and their families.

Nancy Schaefer's investigation of the "Child Protective Services" led her to write a scathing report on
"The corrupt business of Child Protective Services" in November 2007. Her talk, Nancy Schaefer on CPS, at The Eagle Forum Congress in September 2008, has made her immortal.

Nancy Schaefer's death is not only a great loss for her family, her loved ones, the State of Georgia and the United States, but also for us here in the Nordic countries, where children and their families are suffering under the tyrannical rulings of the social services and the administrative court systems. Nancy Schaefer has been a personal friend of mine and of the NCHR since 2008. We often spoke on the phone or sent e-mails of encouragement to each other. Nancy Schaefer and I met for the first time in August 2009 at the
World Congress of Families V at Amsterdam in The Netherlands, and we were inseparable during the four days we were there. Nancy Schaefer delivered a speech on "The Child Protective Services"  during the "Law-makers session", that shocked the parliamentarians and the ministers of the different governments that participated in WCF V.

Nancy Schaefer gathered information about the children, their parents and families who are being traumatized and destroyed and she published and shared the information. During the years we have known each other Nancy Schaefer has sent innumerable articles and other information to the NCHR about the US state agencies forcibly removing children from their parents' loving care and placing them in often unsuitable foster homes among total strangers, who take the children for money.  

The NCHR recognizes these problems because the situation is the same for thousands of children and families here in the Nordic countries.

Nancy Schaefer was one of the speakers at the NCHR's Symposium on August 22, 2009. We were unable to raise enough money to transport her across the Atlantic, and besides she had been in Amsterdam two weeks earlier, so the NCHR's technician and her son, Edward Schaefer, joined forces and she delivered her speech and answered questions in Gothenburg, from her office in Georgia. It was a most uplifting experience that those of us who attended the NCHR's Symposium on August 22, 2009 will remember for a long time and Nancy Schaefer was pleased to receive the NCHR's Diploma of Appreciation.

My most recent contact with Nancy Schaefer was her e-mail on March 16, 2010, in which she informed me:
"Ruby, I have resigned my position as President of Eagle Forum of Georgia. I will continue to be the National Chairman for Parents' Rights. We are filming parents, grandparents, single moms and single dads who are all victims of the system for a documentary this weekend. I will keep you posted. Stay strong. We must not give up. I believe with all my heart Creator God wants this exposed and brought down. May He bless you and your work! Pressing on, NS".

On Saturday night, March 27, 2010, I received an e-mail announcing "Nancy Schaefer's murder". Information on the Internet claimed that she had been murdered by her husband and that he had committed suicide in keeping with a death-pact, and that the investigations were concentrated on that scenario. I reacted to the biased investigations, because I knew immediately that Nancy & Bruce Schaefer would never hurt their five children and 13 grand children in such a way.

Dear Nancy, your voice for the children of Georgia, the USA and the Nordic countries is now silent, but your example of standing up for the protection of children's basic Human Rights to their parents and families and freedom from confiscation by state agencies will remain in our individual and collective memory.

Rest in peace Nancy & Bruce. You are sadly missed. Those who murdered you both will eventually be brought to justice.

April 1, 2010



Ruby Harrold-Claesson
President of the NCHR





NKMR Symposium at Scandic Crown 22 August
By Gillian Thylander, September 2009

Twist in Schaefer Murder-Suicide - WSB News on




The Strange “Suicide” of Nancy Schaefer




Former SenatorNancy Schaefer murder-suicide or third partymurder




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