The Nordic Committee for Human Rights - NCHR
For the Protection of Family Rights in the Nordic countries



Why was the NCHR founded?




In 1871 the governments of the Nordic countries embarked upon a venture of legislation co-operation. The goal was to achieve uniform legislation in Scandinavia. The legislation co-operation between the Scandinavian countries still exists. There is a very strong, pronounced resemblance especially in the social domain with regards to the laws, the institutions created to implement them and the methods of implementation.


Presentation of our work


In Sweden, and the other Nordic countries, the welfare state has permitted the social authorities to take children into public care. The instrument used is the Law on the ward of Minors (LVU). Thousands of children have been - and are being - taken from their parents and placed in foster homes among complete strangers. These foster homes are often of poor quality and their prime aim is to earn money off the foster children. Foster parents are very well paid to take care of foster children. The families whose children are taken into public care are often lone parents, unemployed and/or on welfare. Immigrant families are very often exposed and affected in this context. The social authorities are very quick to jump to the conclusion that these parents could impossibly be suitable parents. It goes without saying that this is not necessarily the case. The fact that a person does not fit into the very competitive work-market does not make him or her unsuitable as a parent.


In the Nordic countries, quite unlike the Catholic countries of Europe, very little respect is shown for family and private life. The right to respect for private and family life is guaranteed by the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


Lawyers and other professionals who work with cases where children are taken into public care have reacted strongly against these unjust practices and the shortcomings of the Nordic social bureaucrats. In order to bring about a change in the attitudes of the authorities towards the families where parents and children are suffering greatly because of state interventions in their private and family life, we have started a co-operation between our countries.


NCHR was founded at Christiansborg, in Copenhagen on November 30, 1996.




What is the NCHR?


The Nordic Committee for Human Rights - NCHR - is an international, non-governmental organisation, free from politics and religion. It aims to:


* Increase the rights and freedoms of private individuals and their families.


* Strengthen respect for basic human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Nordic countries, based upon:


o              The UN Declaration of Human Rights;


o              The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;


o              The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


* Submit yearly reports of suspected violations of families' rights to the UN organ for Human Rights, to the European Commission for Human Rights and to the UN Child Committee.


* Act resolutely to ensure that civil servants who are found guilty of abuse of power or of violating their fellow citizen's private and family life be brought to justice or before disciplinary bodies.


* To create public opinion in order to bring about changes in the present policies whereby residents in the Nordic countries suffer unnecessary interference in their private and family life.