The Nordic Committee for Human Rights


For the protection of Family Rights in the Nordic countries






A tribute to Pamela Gaston



On behalf of the Board and members of the NCHR, I would like to express our deepest sympathy to Will Gaston and family for the untimely loss of your beloved wife and mother, Pamela Gaston.


These condolences on the loss of Pamela Gaston are equally addressed to the people of Oregon. You have lost an activist who was a staunch believer in the American Constitution, the Rule of Law and the protection of the basic Human Rights of children and their families. Her experiences in her family's struggle to rescue their daughter, Melissa, from the state agencies, and her involvement in other state care cases, made her aware of the corruption in the legal profession and the court system. She thereafter educated families to act "sui juris" when appearing before the courts.


Pamela Gaston's death is not only a great loss for her family, her loved ones, the State of Oregon and the United States, but also for us here in the Nordic countries, where children and their families are suffering under the tyrannical rulings of the social services and the administrative court systems.


Pamela Gaston gathered information about the children, their parents and families who are being traumatized and destroyed and she published and shared the information. During the years Pamela Gaston has sent innumerable articles and other information to the NCHR about the US state agencies forcibly removing children from their parents' loving care and placing them in often unsuitable foster homes among total strangers, who take the children for money.


The NCHR recognizes these problems because the situation is the same for thousands of children and families here in the Nordic countries.


Pamela, your voice for children is now silent but your example of standing up for the protection of children's basic Human Rights to their parents and families and freedom from confiscation by state agencies will remain in our memory.


Sadly missed


April 8, 2005


Ruby Harrold-Claesson


Ruby Harrold-Claesson


President of the NCHR  




 A Voice For Children


The Gaston Case
Collection of articles from The Statesman Journal, The Oregon Observer and A
Voice for Children

By Pamela Gaston


The Christine Case
Collection of articles from Associated Press and Fight CPS and Win

Roger Weidner home page




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