20th Anniversary

NCHR 20th Anniversary Celebrations


December 4, 2016

Presentation of the Speakers



Fredrik Sundberg
 Fredrik G. E. Sundberg
Fredrik G.E. Sundberg, born in 1955. After French schooling, reservist service in the Swedish Navy, and LLB degree at Stockholm University in 1981, he studied at New York University Law School and became Master of Comparative Law in 1982. After a short period at Southern Roslag Court he was selected for employment at the European Court's Office in 1984, and worked there until 1991 when he was transferred to the European Commission's Secretariat. In 1993, Fredrik Sundberg was promoted to the Council of Europe's Directorate for human rights to serve the Council of Europe as secretary of the Council of Europe Committee of experts for the development of procedures under the European Convention. He is currently deputy director of the Department for the execution of European Court judgments.



Solveig H
Solveig Holmström
Solveig Holmström, former director, Helsinki, Finland is the grandmotherof a child who has been taken into compulsory public care.
She has personal experience of how the Finnish child welfare authorities destroy opportunities for children to connect with their near and dear ones.

Some years ago, Solveig Holmström became a member of the " Patient and Social Assistance Society ", which provides help and support to vulnerable people in their contacts with social and health care authorities. She also helps with advice and support to families who have problems with "child protection" authorities.
Please read: Vem bryr sig om omhändertagna barn i Finland? (Who cares about the children in care in Finland?)



Lars Borgström
Lars Borgström is a priest in the Lutheran Church in Stockholm and secondary school teacher. He is a board member of Christian Value Party, which is the only political party in Sweden that openly criticizes compulsory public care and foster home placement of children, and demands respect and protection for private and family life.



Madeleine Johansson
Madeleine Johansson, LLM, works with civil law, family law and public care cases.
She is the secretary and special resource of the NCHR. She was one of the If time she participates in public debate. Madeleine Johansson was one of the trio of lawyers who on April 19, 2016,
made a presentation and defended the Petition nr 2434/2014 before the European Parliament Petitions Committee.

Ulf Sandmark
Ulf Sandmark is a B Sc. Econ. In Stockholm. He was Chairman of the Anti-Drug Coalition / Stop drugs campaign that initiated a restrictive drug policy, even prohibiting the use of drugs. He has also written about several outrageous cases of compulsory care of children.
Please read: Kafka in Stockholm. Tear down the Swedish model's slave trade



Erik Philipson
Erik Philipson is chairman of the association The child's best that works "the heartbreaking need 'legal, objective and impartial investigations carried out by the social services. He believes that only through scientific methods of investigation legal certainty and the "best interests" will be ensured. He has quickly managed to create a driving compound where active parents say: "By attending the meetings, we grow out of the trauma we suffered. We organize ourselves also to obtain redress for our children and ourselves, and to get society support for a cordial reunion. Through the child's best we get the power to make things better for ourselves and everyone else."




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