Petition nr 2434/2014
Presentation in the European Parliament, PETI Committee
On April 19, 2016, a delegation comprised of lawyers, Mrs Ruby Harrold- Claesson, Mrs Madeleine Johansson and Mrs Elisabeth Scheffer made a presentation and defended the Petition nr 2434/2014 before the European Parliament Petitions Committee.
The PETI Committee decided to submit the Petition to the Working Group for Children's Welfare.
Presentation - PETI - Brussels - 2016-04-19
PETI - Brussels - 19 April 2016
For more information, please see:
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SOU 2015:71. Konkreta förslag till en total omstöpning av LVU
Advokat Tryggve Emstedt, jur. kand., med. lic, Siv Westerberg, jur. kand., Jenny Beltrán, jur kand., Madeleine Johansson, jur kand., Rigmor Persson, jur kand, Elisabeth Scheffer, och jur.kand., Ruby Harrold-Claesson, praktiserande jurister och styrelsemedlemmar och medverkande i Nordiska Kommittén för Mänskliga Rättigheter - NKMR - För skydd av familjers rättigheter i de nordiska länderna, har lämnat ett yttrande över SOU 2015:71.
NKMR var en av remissinstanserna i den tidigare regeringens satsning: En ny handlingsplan för de mänskliga rättigheterna 2006-2009.
Vi konstaterar att förslaget till ny lagstiftning i Lag om vård av unga, LVU, SOU 2015:71 som regeringens särskilda utredare, Håkan Ceder, har lämnat går i motsatt riktning mot:
1 - de resolutioner och riktlinjer som har utarbetats i Europarådets parlamentariska församling (PACE) och andra europeiska riktlinjer.
Vienna/Strasbourg, 20 November 2015
Child rights in European law: new practical guide from the EU Fundamental Rights Agency and the Council of Europe
On the occasion of Universal Children’s Day, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the Council of Europe, and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), launch a handbook on European law relating to rights of the child.
”The promotion and protection of rights of the child is one of the EU’s objectives. However, legal practitioners are not always familiar with European law and jurisprudence in this area,” says FRA interim Director Constantinos Manolopoulos. ”We are glad to offer this useful guide to assist practitioners better protect children so they can effectively enjoy their rights.”
Läs mer: EU Fundamental Rights Agency and Council of Europe launch handbook on Child Rights
Skriv en kommentar (0 Kommentar)Europaparlamentet
Report about 'Forced Adoptions' in the UK: Petitions Committee of the EU Parliament meeting
Brief report during the Petitions Committee meeting at the EU Parliament on 12th November 2015 about the visit to the UK on 5th and 6th November by eight MEPs.
Skriv en kommentar (0 Kommentar)'Parents of Estonia'
has organised a three day event to take place in Tallin, Estonia, on August 23 - 25, 2015.
Keynote speaker: Ruby Harrold-Claesson, Swedish lawyer and president of 'The Nordic Committee for Human Rights - For the Protection of Family Rights in the Nordic countries', (NKMR/NCHR).
Lecture, August 24, 2015
Hotel Europa, Tallin, Estonia